My Summer Job: Hosting the 20th Annual Air Guitar World Championships

My favorite time of year is always the end of August, when air guitarists from around the globe make a sojourn to Oulu, Finland, to compete in the Air Guitar World Championships.

I’ve been the official Master of Airemonies since 2008, an honor I can’t even imagine how I deserve. Every year gets better, and the people I meet are the biggest-hearted, warmest, most amazing people in the world, who all come to Oulu to bond over their love for rock n’ roll. This year’s title went to the talented and hilarious Russian known as, “Your Daddy.”

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Nouveau Scandinavian

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 10.41.49 AM copyI’ve spent many years traveling to Finland to both compete, and host, the Air Guitar World Championships in Oulu. Lately, thanks to the new Swedish friends I’ve made thanks to Airbnb, I’ve been heading to Stockholm before/after my Finnish sojourn.

This is a short piece I wrote for Rhapsody Magazine (United Airlines first class magazine – a magazine I’ll never be able to afford to read) about the new restaurant scene in Stockholm, featuring the restaurants Ekstedt, Green Rabbit Bakery and Matstudio. (PDF Version)