Ray & Remora EP “1994” Out Today

Ray & Remora’s new EP is out today on iTunes, Amazon, and the usual outlets.

It’s called 1994, and it’s a new band I’ve started with my friend Amanda Walker called, RAY & REMORA.
The EP is all covers of songs that came out 20 years ago, in 1994. If you were a fan of indie rock in the 90’s, I think you’ll like the songs. And if you weren’t, well, check it out anyway!
Buy it now on:
Aeronaut Records (best place to buy if you want the CD)
Track listing:

1) Like a Fool (Superchunk)
2) Gold Soundz (Pavement)
3) Say It Ain’t So (Weezer)
4) Skull (Sebadoh)
5) Feel The Pain (Dinosaur Jr.)
6) The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory (Guided by Voices)


Check out our video for “Say It Ain’t So”

Ray & Remora (my new musical endeavor) premiere

RayRemora1994_7frontHere’s a link to stream a track off my new EP, Ray & Remora / 1994. The album comes out May 6th, and I’m pretty darn proud of it. It’s six songs—all covers of songs that originally came out in 1994.

Some great videos are being crafted in our video factory right this very minute. I’ll post those as soon as they are ready.

In the meantime, enjoy Pavement’s “Gold Soundz,” as recorded by Ray & Remora!

Pre-order the CD via Aeronaut Records.

Here’s a track listing:

1) “Like a Fool” (Superchunk)
2) “Gold Soundz” (Pavement)
3) “Say It Ain’t So” (Weezer)
4) “Skull” (Sebadoh)
5) “Feel The Pain” (Dinosaur Jr.)
6) “The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory” (Guided by Voices)

Commander in Cheek

ALEXA MEN March_Cover_Reid Scott_dan craneNY Post /  Alexa for Men Magazine / Cover Story

Chief of  Smarm Reid Scott Suits Up for Another Season of Capitol Scheming on VEEP. 

Reid Scott and I met up for coffee (news flash: he drank tea) at LAMill in Silver Lake. Here’s how it all went down.


How to Survive the World Air Guitar Championships, aka The Hangover Cure that Changed My Life

A couple of weeks ago, prior to the US Air Guitar National Championships at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, I was bemoaning the hangovers I knew awaited me since we foolishly decided this year to schedule the air guitar national finals a mere weekend before the World Air Guitar Championships in Oulu, Finland.

As host and “Master of Airemonies” for these events, my job is to set an example of inebriation for the competitors and crowd, as I often say from the stage: “One important rule here, please don’t be sober for this. It will just look stupid.”


So there I was, bemoaning my chronic hangovers, with their accompanying headaches—headaches so bad I cannot lay my head on my pillow and usually am forced to down 4 Advils and take 45-minute scalding showers in order to relieve the pain—when my friend and air guitar compatriot Mr. Hot Lixx Hulahan (aka Craig Billmeier) said, “A friend of mine claims to have a great hangover cure. I’ll email him.”

And, let me tell you — it changed my life! I’ve now road tested this thing in three countries with countless alcoholic beverages—from beer to Jägermeister‎ to whisky to wine, and plain and simple: it works. On the worst days, I woke up with a very mild headache and general feeling that I had not gotten enough sleep (I was averaging 3 hours/night in Finland). But in general, I felt great.

The guy, to whom I owe an immense amount of gratitude, just wrote a blog posting detailing his prescription.  I didn’t really follow this to the letter, mostly I just took the vitamins he suggested. Though I generally avoided eating red meat, the one night I did gorge a plate of Swedish meatballs, I noticed the hangover was stronger than the other days. Still, I no longer had the splitting, debilitating headaches of hangovers past.

So, THANK YOU AARON PROBE! And may this help the rest of you!

In short, go buy two bottles of vitamins:

•Vitamin B complex (with no added vitamin C in it)

•Milk Thistle

I took 1 of each pill each evening, about an hour or two before I started drinking, and then another 2 pills when I got home at anywhere from 2 to 5 in the morning. I woke up feeling great!

From Garden to Gullet: Doing Farm to Table at Home

There’s another great piece by Mark Bittman in the NY Times today highlighting research that suggests that getting Americans to mere eat one more fruit or vegetable per day would lower health care costs and save lives:

Each additional serving of fruit or vegetable would reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease by about 5 percent, to the point where if we all ate the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, we’d save more than 100,000 lives and something like $17 billion in health care costs.

I’ve been doing my part by growing herbs, fruits and vegetables in my garden at home. Here’s what I’m growing at the moment:

Kale, arugula, 4 varieties of tomatoes, 4 pepper varieties, basil, sage, rosemary, thyme, mint, shiso, kumquats, oranges, lemons, limes, persimmons, blueberries, and strawberries. Obviously everything is not at harvest stage at the same time, but the summer has been amazing.

Today, for lunch, I made an omelette with sautéed chopped shishito pepper, diced cherry tomatoes, basil and goat cheese, with a side salad of kale tossed with olive oil, sea salt and brown rice vinegar.


Few things in life are as satisfying as picking things from the garden, cooking them, and then eating them.